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To accomplish this mission, the school will place emphasis on:
1.    Believing in and glorifying God, His Son Jesus, and the Bible as His infallible Word.
2.    Motivating students to live for Christ today so he may live with Him for eternity.
3.    Recognizing the value of each student and helping the student develop a healthy self-identity.
4.    Developing the entire person- spiritually, academically, emotionally, physically, and socially- in conjunction with the family and church.
5.    Helping each student set high goals and develop the skills to reach those goals.
6.    Preparing each student for the demands of a changing, challenging future as a college student, as an employee, as a citizen, and as a family member.
7.    Instilling a desire for academic excellence in preparation for lifelong learning.


In order to accomplish our mission, and in accord with our philosophy, it is the objective of Mobile Christian School to:

1.    Provide daily Bible classes for all students.
2.    Schedule daily chapel as an integral part of the program.
3.    Employ qualified teachers, administrators, and staff who live God's will daily and thereby set a proper Christian example for the students.
4.    Providing a caring, safe and secure learning environment.
5.    Maintain a curriculum which provides a college-preparatory education and adequately equips the student to be successful in life.
6.    Present the curriculum from a Biblical perspective.
7.    Maintain a variety of extracurricular activities which allow the maximum number of students to participate.
8.    Ensure the longer term stability of the school by maintaining a viable strategic plan.